Feature Articles
![[Phil-JAR]](images/Phil-2016-JAR.jpg) |
Our proprietor, Phil Weaver, is a highly regarded author, researcher, presenter and tailor. His articles on living history, the colonial period and Revolutionary War soldiers & uniforms have been published nationally since 1979.
The following links point to just a few of his recently published articles (presented here in *.pdf format) for your enjoyment.
Please remember that all of this material is copyrighted and restrictions apply.
Photo of the proprietor copyright ©2016 R.Dodge
Circular design by the Journal of the American Revolution
Journal of the American Revolution
The go-to source for premium content about the American Revolution and Founding. The Journal of the American Revolution (allthingsliberty.com) is a healthy variety of in-depth features and engaging columns, in both short- and long-form. With an eye for accuracy over legend, its creative and smart on-line content is intended to make history more palatable to the masses.
* Selected by the Editors as a Top Ten Article of the Month
As of 2018, there are no more Top Ten Articles of the Month
Military Collector & Historian
Known as the Company Journal to its members, this quarterly publication of the Company of Military Historians is professional in content and is profusely illustrated. Its richly annotated articles cover such subjects as weapons, accoutrements, uniforms, materiel, and colors and standards. They also include information on military organization, unit history, military art and artists, recently published books and other publications, and the activities of the society and its members.
Military Uniforms in America
This series of over 800 full-color prints, known as plates, researched and illustrated by Company members illustrate military dress covering the uniforms of military units of all countries in the Americas serving at home and abroad, and units of other countries serving in this hemisphere. To date, this continuing series represents the single most comprehensive documentation available on the subject. To amplify their usefulness, a single-page, footnoted text accompanies each plate.
![[CMH]](images/CMH-Logo.gif) |
Plate #657 - Enlisted Men, 4th Battalion,
New York Provincial Forces, 1775
Plate #722 - Albany County Provincials
Employed for the Common Defense
of the Continent of North America, 1775
Plate #814 - 3rd New Jersey Regiment (Jersey Greys), 1776
Plate #972 - New York Colony Company of Artillery, 1776
Plate #___ - 1st New York Regiment, 1778
The Brigade Dispatch
The Journal of the Brigade of the American Revolution publishes research on 18th-century history and culture that facilitates the Brigade’s mission to recreate the life and times of the common soldier of the American War for Independence, 1775-1783.
Miscellaneous Publications
* Included in The Greatest Hits of The Colonial Chronicle: The Rev-War Collection
Cover image of The Brigade Dispatch used with the permission of the Brigade of the Americaan Revolution
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